Software Requirements and User Interface Requirements

We should try to understand what sort of requirements may arise in the requirement elicitation phase and what kinds of requirements are expected from the software system.

Broadly software requirements should be categorized in two categories:

Functional Requirements
Requirements, which are related to functional aspect of software fall into this category.

They define functions and functionality within and from the software system.

●      Search option given to user to search from various invoices.

●      User should be able to mail any report to management.

●      Users can be divided into groups and groups can be given separate rights.

●      Should comply business rules and administrative functions.

●      Software is developed keeping downward compatibility intact.

Non-Functional Requirements
Requirements, which are not related to functional aspect of software, fall into this category. They are implicit or expected characteristics of software, which users make assumption of.

Non-functional requirements include -

●      Security

●      Logging

●      Storage

●      Configuration

●      Performance

●      Cost

●      Interoperability

●      Flexibility

●      Disaster recovery

●      Accessibility

Requirements are categorized logically as

●      Must Have : Software cannot be said operational without them.

●      Should have : Enhancing the functionality of software.

●      Could have : Software can still properly function with these requirements.

●      Wish list : These requirements do not map to any objectives of software.

While developing software, ‘Must have’ must be implemented, ‘Should have’ is a matter of debate with stakeholders and negation, whereas ‘could have’ and ‘wish list’ can be kept for software updates.

User Interface requirements
UI is an important part of any software or hardware or hybrid system. A software is widely accepted if it is -

●      easy to operate

●      quick in response

●      effectively handling operational errors

●      providing simple yet consistent user interface

User acceptance majorly depends upon how user can use the software. UI is the only way for users to perceive the system. A well performing software system must also be equipped with attractive, clear, consistent and responsive user interface. Otherwise the functionalities of software system can not be used in convenient way. A system is said be good if it provides means to use it efficiently. User interface requirements are briefly mentioned below -

●      Content presentation

●      Easy Navigation

●      Simple interface

●      Responsive

●      Consistent UI elements

●      Feedback mechanism

●      Default settings

●      Purposeful layout

●      Strategical use of color and texture.

●      Provide help information

●      User centric approach

●      Group based view settings.

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